This is a weird topic for a 32-year-old entrepreneur to write about. I should finish that one task that will magically increase my sales, or finish that chapter my half-opened book...
What do all successful leaders have in common? They are story tellers.
My grandfather, my mom’s father, passed away few days ago at the age of 80. This post is me musing about him.
If you are expecting some pearls of wisdom, the collective of husbands is laughing at your innocence. If you are married, then you know there are no pearls here. This post is as cl...
If I am going to write often, might as well figure out how I want to write. Like a runner figuring out what running tracks they like. Here’s my recipe so far:
I actively avoid conflict. I can count on one hand the times I've pursued conflict. Such an introverted scared 18 year old me found myself at footsteps of my professor’s cabin...
This is an answer to - what I'd tell a friend I hadn't seen in a year. Last updated: Sep 2023.
What logic taught me about structured thinking and life.
This👇 is the selfie I took in June 2022. I might have taken hundreds of selfies with varying levels of failed pouts. But this one might stay special. Why? - This is the last selfi...
Ever thought of creating your own programming language? It is not as daunting as it sounds. Here's my walkthrough of creating LISP, our new language, on top of JavaScript.
I was sent to boarding school at my 8th standard. Not the fancy boarding school you see in a Karan Johar movie. The one in a remote village where my clothes were stolen on day 1.
We had two phases for chatbots. The first one was when Facebook created a buzz around chatbots. It died quickly because of how boring and ineffective those chatbots were.
I recently did a standup-of-sorts masked as a groom’s speech. Sharing my script to help grooms make their Netflix special.
A bit of context first. We launched 10 products on Product Hunt in the last 3 years. Each product made it to the top 10. 6 of them reached the top 5.
The year was 2010. I just gave my JEE exam and rushed to watch a movie. When I returned home, my mom told me that they tallied my answers. I got 3/30 correct.
Wrote a short story for a friend’s son. Created artwork using Midjourney.
As much as I'd like to say this is a clickbait title- it is not [1].
Gentleman Bastards series
Soon into the startup world, I got into the mindset of doing everything fast.
Interviews are a very vulnerable display of ourselves and I am extremely humbled by the fact that some 400 odd engineers sat with me to interview, and taught me how to do it right.
Luck. The most significant variable for success in startups. Also, the one we have the least control over.
It gives me anxiety to answer it honestly. Even today, 3 years after founding Adaface and even though we are doing extremely well.
What is a good co-founder worth?
Assume that you will execute your most ambitious vision for your startup. Are you willing to give half of those earnings...
I was at my lowest physically (High triglycerides & weight) and mentally after bootstrapping Adaface for 1 yr. 2 years later-